Swim for better health (StarSpecial 30 Mar 2011)
These days, as many do not watch their diet or exercise, they are easily susceptible to various ailments. So, one way to stay fit and healthy is through exercising and what better way than swimming?
Apart from providing an excellent cardiovascular workout, swimming also helps to tone the body. The exercise is beneficial to those who have joint problems.
Most swimming pools at homes are too small to swim in and not long enough to get into a swimming rhythm.
Swimming a few strokes and flip-turning on walls is not good enough to burn calories.
The Fastlane swimming machine (since 1988) virtually transforms any pool into an exercise or training pool, so you can swim without flip-turning.
Your small pool becomes an endless pool once you install the Fastlane swimming machine.
Fastlane creates adjustable turbulence-free water current wider than your body and deeper than your swimming strokes.
Whether you are training to be the next professional swimmer or are swimming for leisure, Fastlane fulfils both.
The heart of Fastlane is a small but powerful underwater hydraulic motor that drives a 41cm propeller in a protective housing, powered by a biodegradable vegetable-based hydraulic fluid.
There are no electrical connectors to the pool, so it is safe and environmental-friendly.
Fastlane is easy to operate – just press the ON/OFF switch and start swimming right away.
To adjust the swim current, there are 52 discrete programmable speeds with a handy remote control.
If you plan to build a new swimming pool at home, check out the Original Endless Pool which comes with a complete pool made in heavy gauge vinyl liner inside the steel wall panels.
Install one at home today and enjoy hours of fun, relaxation and water aquatic therapy.
- For details, call Propulsion Pools at 03-7960 1828, 012-379 5160 or log on to www.propulsionpools.com.
- You can also go for a test swim in the Original Endless Pool in the Propulsion Pools showroom at 51, Jalan Utara, Seksyen 12, Petaling Jaya.